Описание: Плод – орех, образованный верхней завязью 3-членного паракарпного гинецея. Орехи тупо 3-гранные, овальные, с острым основанием и верхушкой, 2,7 - 3,3 мм длиной и 1,8 - 2,2 мм шириной. Поверхность зернистая, блестящая, от светло- до темно-коричневой (Bojnanský, Fargašová, 2007)
Распространение: гидрохория (Cappers, 1993; Hroudova et al., 1997; Horudova et al., 2007); эпизоохория (Figuerola, Green, 2002); эндозоохория (Espinar et al., 2004, 2005; Figuerola, Green, 2005; Arzel et al., 2007; Wongsriphuek et al., 2008; Brochet et al., 2009; Brochet et al., 2010)
Вес 1000 диаспор, г: 1,9 (Datenbank…) 2,22 (Royal…); 3,25 (Ecological…); 3,293 г (Arzel et al., 2007)
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Bojnanský V., Fargašová A. Atlas of seeds and fruits of Central and East-European flora. The Carpathian Mountains Region. Springer, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 2007. 1046 p.
Brochet A.-L., Guillemain M., Fritz H., Gauthier-Clerc M., Green A.J. The role of migratory ducks in the long-distance dispersal of native plants and the spread of exotic plants in
Brochet, A. L., M. Guillemain, H. Fritz, M. Gauthier-Clerc, and A. J. Green. 2010. Plant dispersal by teal (Anas crecca) in the Camargue: Duck guts are more important than their feet. Freshwater Biology Vol. 55, N 6. P. 1262-1273.
Cappers R. T. J. Seed dispersal by water: a contribution to the interpretation of seed assemblages // Vegetation history and archaeobotany. 1993. Vol. 2, № 3. P. 173-186.
Datenbank biologisch-ökologischer Merkmale der Flora von Deutschland
Ecological flora of the
Espinar, J.L., Garcia, L.V., Figuerola, J., Green, A.J. & Clemente, L. (2004) Helophyte germination in a Mediterranean salt marsh: Gut-passage by ducks changes seed response to salinity. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15, 315-322.
Espinar J. L., Thompson K., García L. V. Timing of seed dispersal generates a bimodal seed bank depth distribution // American Journal of Botany. 2005. Vol. 92, No. 10. P. 1759-1763.
2002) Dispersal of aquatic organisms by water birds: a review of past research and priorities for future studies. Freshwater Biology, 47, 483–494.
& (Hroudova Z., Moravcova L., Zakravsky P. Effect of anatomical structure on the buoyancy of achenes of two subspecies of Bolboschoenus maritimus Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 1997, Vol. 32, N 4. P. 337 – 390.
Hroudova Z., Zakravsky P., Duchacek M., Marhold K. Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Bolboschoenus in Europe // Annales Botanici Fennici, Vol. 44, No. 2. (2007), pp. 81-102
Royal Botanic Gardens
Wongsriphuek C. Dugger B. D., Bartuszevige A. M. 2008. Dispersal of wetland plant seeds by mallards: influence of gut passage on recovery, retention, and germination. _ Wetlands 22: 290-299.
Этикетка: Совх им. Щербакова, Аракарачай, 21.08.1956.