Описание: Плод – костянка, образованная мономерным гинецеем. Костянка обратно-яйцевидная, слегка сжатая с боков, 4.9-5.3 x 4.4-4.7 мм. Поверхность тонко морщинистая, слегка блестящая, от красновато-коричневой до черной (Bojnanský, Fargašová, 2007)
Распространение: эндозоохория (Jordano, 1989; Herrera, 1995; Hampe, 2003; Izhaki, 2001; Tellerıґa et al., 2005; Riparian…)
Вес 1000 диаспор, г: 11,8 - 33,3 (Piotto et al., 2001); 10-25 (Riparian…); 20,0 (Weberseeds...); 26,5 (Royal…)
Bojnanský V., Fargašová A. Atlas of seeds and fruits of Central and East-European flora. The Carpathian Mountains Region. Springer, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 2007. 1046 p.
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Herrera, C.M., 1995. Plant-vertebrate seed dispersal systems in the Mediterranean: ecological, evolutionary, and historical determinants // Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26, 705-727.
Izhaki I. The role of fruit traits in determining removal in East Mediterranean ecosystems. Seed dispersal and frugivory: ecology, evolution and conservation (ed. D.J. Levey, W.R. Silva & M. Galetti) pp. 161–175. CAB International,Wallingford, UK. 2001 URL: http://web.oranim.ac.il/teachers/ido/My%20reprints/Chapter%2011.pdf
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Riparian Tree and Shrub Propagation Handbook: An Aid to Riverine Restoration in the Mediterranean Region. Ed. María Aránzazu Prada, Daniel Arizpe. 2008. URL:
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Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. (2008) Seed Information Database (SID). Version 7.1. Available from: http://data.kew.org/sid / (May 2008)
Tellerıґa J. L., Ramıґrez A., Peґrez-Tris J. Conservation of seed-dispersing migrant birds in Mediterranean habitats: Shedding light on patterns to preserve processes // Biological Conservation. 2005. Vol. 124. P. 493–502.
URL: http://www.weberseeds.de/index.html
Этикетка: Hortus botanicus Coimsra - Portugal